Piedmont High School sports are still on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Some athletes have been able to do workouts as part of a non-school affiliated program, including tennis players who signed up for Piedmont Recreation Department clinics run by the high school’s tennis coach Jim Landes.
But organized school practices are still off-limits in Piedmont.
“No organized practices,” PHS Principal Adam Littlefield said. Littlefield is also serving as the school’s interim athletic director.
“We are in a holding pattern right now. We will continue to wait until further notice.”
PHS Principal Adam Littlefield
Littlefield said the schools in the West Alameda County Conference are working to schedule games starting in January. The California Interscholastic Federation and the North Coast Section postponed fall sports into the new year. WACC schedules will conform to the the rescheduled calendar, with official practices expected to start in December.
Some county health departments in California have allowed a few outdoor athletic activities to start up, leaving it up to individual school districts to decide whether organized activities can take place. Alameda County’s current order allows limited, non-contact activities, such as organized calisthenics or drills. Piedmont Unified School District has not yet allowed those for high school athletes.
Littlefield said that the coordination with the WACC will continue.
“The games will be coordinated, but there may be different approaches to practices leading up to games,” he said. “Some of those decisions will be site/district-based.”