Did you realize that Piedmont leads ALL California cities in 2020 Census response rate? Not that Piedmonters are competitive or anything, but check out where we stand compared to the rest of California. You can explore more data below — e.g., out of 19,143 cities in the country, we are 98 — with a few (mostly Midwestern) cities out in front of us.
Piedmont stands at a 76.5% response rate and still climbing! The Bay Area as a whole is doing really well in responding to the Census online or by phone.
This is something to be proud of, because the Census is so important for informing how billions in federal funds are allocated to our community.
By April 30, the last quarter of all Piedmonters with a regular mailing address will get a paper questionnaire in their mailboxes.
Keep up the good work everyone, and tell anyone who hasn’t been counted yet to go to my2020census.gov or fill out their paper form. Follow the daily Piedmont rate here: https://2020census.gov/en/response-rates.html or visit public.tableau.com/profile/us.census.bureau#!/vizhome/2020CensusSelf-ResponseRankings/RankingsDashboard
Data submitted to the Exedra by Josh Green at joshua.a.green@2020census.gov.