On Friday, Mar. 13, Dr. William McNabb, Piedmont Community Church’s senior minister, sent a notice to the congregation highlighting changes to services and other church-related activities due to the evolving coronavirus situation.
“On Thursday, Rev. Scott Kail and his team wisely chose to postpone the Mexico trip until June,” McNabb wrote. ” I have decided to cancel worship services this Sunday through the month of March, opting for an online service that will broadcast live on our websiteand on our Facebook page at 10:30 am. The video from that service will remain on our website and social media for you to view any time.”
According to the message, the Treasures Sales event will go forward on Saturday beginning at 9 a.m. but the Sunday sale is cancelled. “In lieu of a second day, the team will close the doors at 2:30 pm for a short break, then reopen 3 – 5 pm with dramatically-reduced prices.”

SATURDAY, 9 am – 3 pm and SUNDAY, 9 am – 2 pm
With many sanitary precautions in place, the Piedmont Community Church Treasures will go on as planned this weekend. The sale raises funds for the Youth Mexico Service trip, which has been rescheduled for June.

Considering the health and well-being of the youth and adult volunteers of the house building mission to Tijuana, Mexico, Rev. Scott Kail has chosen to postpone the trip originally scheduled to begin April 12.
“Due to coronavirus, we have decided to postpone the trip until June of 2020,” Rev. Kail said. “It is important to not cancel the trip, but reschedule for a time that ensures the safety of our students and and adult volunteers, and to keep our commitment to the families that are eagerly expecting a new home.”