Over the next six weeks, Piedmont’s Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Review Committee will host three Saturday meetings with behind-the-scenes tours of City facilities not often seen by members of the public.
Saturday, April 25 is the the customary tour of resident proposals.
Additionally, the CIP Review Committee will hold two additional Saturday meetings with comprehensive tours to provide the community with a better and broader understanding of the City’s aging public infrastructure.
On Saturday, March 21, the CIP Review Committee will meet at 9:00 am in the Police Department Conference Room to discuss Piedmont’s Essential Services buildings which include the Fire Department, the Police Department, and the Emergency Operations Center (EOC). After Police Chief Jeremy Bowers and Fire Chief Bret Black make presentations and answer questions from the CIP Review Committee, there will be group tours of both the Police and Fire Departments as well as the basement of City Hall.
Please note that the meetings and tours are geared toward residents age 16 and older, and are not to be confused with a PFD Open House.
On Saturday, April 4, the CIP Review Committee will meet at the Recreation Department at 9:00 am to discuss the state of recreation related infrastructure including the Piedmont Community Pool, the Recreation Department building, Veterans Hall, Linda Beach Park and Coaches Field. After a brief summary presentation, the CIP Review Committee and members of the public will have the opportunity to explore the current facilities to better understand the challenges and limitations of the City’s aging infrastructure.
The City of Piedmont and the CIP Review Committee encourage residents to participate in this rare opportunity and hope that the meetings and tours are well-attended by members of the public.
If you have questions regarding the CIP tours, please contact Nancy Kent, Parks & Project Manager, via email at nkent@piedmont.ca.gov or phone at (510) 420-3064.
Great idea. Create even more access by televising CIP and BAFPC meetings.
Kudos to our Piedmont City Staff for opening access and creating an opportunity to participate in decision making !