March 18, 2020
Dear Fellow Piedmonters:
This is an unprecedented time in our lives. It is imperative that we work together as a community to try and keep our residents from contracting (Coronavirus) COVID-19. As Mayor of Piedmont, I implore each and every one of you to follow the Alameda County guidelines to shelter in place, and only leave your homes for essential needs – groceries, pharmacy, gas, banking, and of course walking your furry housemates.
We know Piedmont is a social place, but we ask that all residents, no matter what age, practice social distancing and avoid gathering for social purposes. This is also true at our dog parks and includes distancing your pets. It is not rude to stand 6 feet away, it is the most polite and thoughtful thing you can do for the next three weeks. This virus is not obvious. It is spreading throughout Alameda County and likely already spreading within Piedmont. It is possible to be contagious without symptoms. Our job as responsible citizens is to do everything in our power to slow down the spread of this virus so we do not overwhelm our healthcare system.
We have many seniors living in our community. Please look out for your neighbors as you would during any emergency. And if you are older than 60 years or have underlying health conditions, please ask someone else to help you take care of your essential needs. Our city staff is working hard to keep our City website up to date with information and resources and of course our Police and Fire Departments are fully staffed and working to respond to any emergency calls. We need to keep our first responders safe and healthy as well. You should also have confidence in your neighbors. We are a community of smart, resourceful and compassionate people. With those collective strengths, I am confident we will persevere and meet the challenges in the days ahead.
If we look out for one another, and prioritize our collective health, together we will get through this, one day at a time.
Robert McBain Mayor
(510) 420-3040
Was out briefly twice today in my car. Both times saw groups of teens. First time 6 girls shoulder to shoulder. Next, four a bit further apart. Definitely not family groups. Hey parents where are your kids?!