Poker players of all stripes gathered at Veterans Hall on Friday, Jan. 10 for the Havens Dads Club’s 12th annual poker night fundraiser.
From the left: Roger Tsai, Ina Kim, Rabin Nabizadeh, Fontane Lo, Deepthi Sethi, Francis Hoang A full house of poker players David Klein, Nate Shafroth, and John Welsh Cynthia Gouw celebrating a big hand with Donny Butts waiting patiently for a high five. Leon Saperstein, Roger Tsai and Mark Cameron Tamisha Apodaca Varun Saxena serving up drinks in an apron passed down through the generations. James Ho and John Welsh Chef Robert with two servers and platters of his appetizers Two attendees get their photo taken at the photo booth Attendees received a custom designed pint class
For the record, Cynthia did NOT leave me hanging. Class act, that Cynthia.
What a great night. For the kids.