Person: Jessica Kim, compensation analyst
Pet: Henry
Age: 5 years
Breed: He’s a mix of Jack Russell terrier, beagle, and dachshund.
Adoption story: It happened unexpectedly. Henry comes from South Carolina. I was there finishing up an internship for my master’s degree. One day my roommate Humera and I drove to Columbia, S.C. and I saw him in a pet store. I had wanted a dog since I was 8-years-old but had just never done it. Humera talked me into it. Henry was there in a cage with his four siblings. He looked nervous, he was shaking, and he had these huge outsized ears for his body. My heart opened to him. The woman who was fostering him cried when she said goodbye to him. She had named him Henry. I tried to think of another name but Henry just fit too well.
Likes: Squeaky tennis balls, french fries, cheese. But his favorite is snuggling under the blankets with me.
Dislikes: Fruit, vegetables, and especially vacuum cleaners (even when they’re turned off ).
Interesting Facts: He’s also got a thing about manhole covers. When we’re out for a walk he refuses to step on manhole covers or storm grates.
Anything else we should know: Henry lives with my cat, Opie, who is eight. They both really enjoy it when I brush them. But for some reason they like it better when I brush them at the same time. They lie down right next to each other.