A group of Piedmont High School seniors took part in a service day organized by Piedmont Community Church (PCC) on Veteran’s Day. The activity at City Team in Oakland was part of the group’s pre-Mexico mission trip local service. The students helped prepare and serve a meal for 125 people in need and participated in a city clean up. The 40 seniors will lead 18 teams of students to build houses in Tijuana over spring break.

Scott Kail, PCC Youth Minister said, “The day was
an eye-opener in our own back yard and lots of fun along the way for these
Chopping, dicing, slicing: Emily Becker, Josh Eidam, Luke Barrett Avery Kokka Briggs Settlemier and Scott Ewing doing meal prep
Each year, more than 300 students and adults travel over spring break to build homes for families in Tijuana, Mexico. The PCC Mexico Mission strives to help young volunteers think about the meaning of service, and to help build perspective about life in a place very different from home.
Photos by Scott Kail