Piedmont pickleball enthusiasts came out to support the renovated pickleball courts at Piedmont Middle School on Saturday, September 7.
With a rapidly growing interest for pickleball in town, the Piedmont Recreation Department has established a program providing stable locations to play and offers clinics in learning the game to allow for natural growth in player population.

The city partnered with the school district to renovate the Physical Education hardcourt surfaces at Piedmont Middle School to create a pickleball facility that is open to the community during the weekend.
City Council member Jen Cavenaugh welcomed the enthusiastic crowd and thanked them for coming out to celebrate this collaboration between the city and the school district.
Interim Recreation Director Erin Rivera and PRD Sports Coordinator Steven Chavarria organized the celebration with food and a raffle with fun pickleball accouterments for the guests. Rivera commented, “This is a great collaboration” that gives kids at the middle school safer courts and the community access to courts when not in use by the school.
Erin and Steven will be coordinating programming going forward including lessons and tournaments.
Marcia Neishi, a professional tournament player and a Certified IPTPA Instructor, volunteered her considerable teaching expertise. Beginners and experienced players benefited from her generous teaching skills.
In addition to the middle school courts, pickleball is offered at these times and locations:
Current Schedule:
- Wednesday and Friday at Hampton from 12:30-3:00 p.m. inclusive of set-up and take-down
- Tuesday and Thursday at Beach from 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. inclusive of set-up and takedown
- Saturday at Piedmont Middle School from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
- Sunday at Piedmont Middle School from 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Schedule subject to change. Please call the Recreation Department at (510) 420-3070 for updated schedule.