A cooking contest, art show, carnival, jazz festival, farmers market, scarecrows, and more will highlight the 21st annual Piedmont Harvest Festival from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday, September 22.
The Festival’s food contest has been a part of the festivities since 1998, when the event was founded by Bill Drum and Susan Hill. Homemade jams and jellies, breads, pies, salsa and other food items can be submitted by home cooks for judging at the festival.

The Bill Drum Memorial Prize will be awarded to the person or group that receives the most blue ribbons for their entries. There is no charge to enter. Stop by the Recreation Department to pick up an entry form. (See details below.)
A jazz festival will feature music throughout the day on an outdoor stage in the Piedmont Community Park. This year’s lineup includes the Piedmont High School Jazz Band, Bob Roden Quintet, Albany Big Band, and the Wild Woodsmen.

The farmers market is hosted by Village Market, with tables overflowing with heritage tomatoes, squash, fresh corn, peaches, melons and mini-pumpkins, Indian corn and gourds to celebrate fall.
Several food trucks will offer a wide array of gourmet choices. Fresh lemonade made from the juice of locally-grown lemons will be served by the Piedmont Community Service Crew (PCSC)
The Piedmont Education Foundation (PEF) raises money for the schools through the tri-school carnival. Run by elementary-school parents in an area with 10 to 15 game booths, it includes activities like the perennially popular cake walk and face painting.

The schools also benefit from the the scarecrow contest. All scarecrows are created by local schoolchildren and Piedmont organizations and auctioned off to support PEF and the school parent clubs.
Rounding out the festival is an art exhibit at the Japanese Tea House featuring Piedmont artists. If you would like to submit a piece for the art show, please send an email to harvest@piedmont.ca.gov.
The Piedmont Harvest Festival is a zero waste event. Please help us by bringing your own water bottle and using the proper receptacles at the event. Water stations will be placed throughout Piedmont Park. The event’s clean energy sponsor is East Bay Community Energy.
The Harvest Festival runs from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 22 in Piedmont Park, 711 Highland Ave., Piedmont.
Entry forms for food contest submissions should be delivered between 7:30 and 10 a.m. the day of the event to Piedmont Community Hall, 711 Highland Ave.
For more information and/or you would like to volunteer, contact Jackson Steans at jstearns@piedmont.ca.gov or call 510.420-3075. Or visit the Piedmont Recreation website at ci.piedmont.ca.us/recreation.