Suffering from budget cuts and an aging and shrinking archive of books, PHS library has been in need of a boost. This has thrown high school parents Lillis Stern and Kris Miller-Fisher into action, founding “Friends of the Library” as a way to help brainstorm ideas for raising funds, starting book drives, book fairs, and supporting the PHS library in general. The first meeting was held on May 23.
The PHS library’s books, on average, date from 1994. The library has a ratio of 8:1 books to student, prompting the group to set a goal of 13 to 15 books per student, and boosting the average publication date to 2006. Stern and Miller-Fisher also serve as the PHS Parent Board Library Liaisons.
Book drive launched
Donations from the recent “Virtual and Used Book Drive” have added some 400 books from personal book shelves and almost 100 purchased directly through the online effort.
How to participate
Gently used, recently-published books may be left at the Piedmont Education Foundation office above the Police Department. For the Virtual Drive, the Books, Inc. website lists teacher and librarian requests for purchase, with delivery to the library included. (Book plates are provided for those donors who provide their name.)
For more detailed information on how to donate, please visit
Initial participants of the “Friends of the Library” are parents who have donated used books or purchased books from the PHS online book drive. The group welcomes new members. To participate, please send an email to
Photo courtesy of Lillis Stern