Proud families gathered in the Ellen Driscoll auditorium on Tuesday, May 21 to celebrate the academic accomplishments of this year’s graduating class.
Saira Brown, Brooke Hendershott and Natalie Jeng were awarded the Painting Drawing Plaque by art teacher Gillian Bailey PHS Valedictorian Andrew Stoddard walks to the podium to accept his award Sasha Liu is PHS’ 2019 Salutatorian Mercedes Foster with Maxwell Roitblat, winner of the Leadership Impact Award and Shannon Landheer, winner of the ASB Plaque Drama teacher Kim Taylor breaks into song to celebrate Jane Simonetti’s accomplishments and to present her with the award of Outstanding Senior in Drama Chloe Kamber is awarded the Studio Art Plaque by Katherine Beckner Nina Tafapolsky holds the English trophy and Anna Fehr is presented the Piedmont Certificate in English by teacher Beth Black Kathyrn C. Ngo is presented with the Piedmont Certificate in Mandarin and Megan Chueh is awarded with the Outstanding Student in Mandarin trophy Isabelle Wilson holds the Spanish for Excellence trophy along with Erin Hong who was presented with the Piedmont Certificate in Spanish shown with Violeta Gomez-Fierro Lucy Merickel stands next to her award for Outstanding French Student along with Abigail Seevak who was awarded with the Piedmont Certificate in French Computer Science Teacher Nathan Mattix announces the Computer Science trophy to Mark Sulimov (unable to attend) William Kalmbach holds the award for Outstanding Boy Athlete and Margo Donahue holds the award for Outstanding Girl Athlete presented by Athletics Director Alphonso Powell Megan Tang and Roxanne Moss recipients of the Outstanding Photojournalist Award presented by teacher Jody Weverka Ella Lee and Clarissa Lam hold the Outstanding Journalist Award presented by Beth Black Teacher Janine Sohn stands between Maeve Gilbert with the DeMolay Social Studies trophy (L) and Esme Kalbag with the Piedmont Certificate in Social Studies (R) Music awardees: Julia Huffaker recipient of the Choral Music Award, Shayla Lawler recipient of the Vocal Music Award, Enzo Malaspina recipient of the Outstanding Senior in Jazz Band Plaque, Baron Zhu recipient of Outstanding Senior Instrumental Music Plaque, Camille Creighton recipient of Outstanding Senior in Orchestra Plaque, Patrick Coen recipient of the Music Director’s Award. (not pictured: Bradley Chan recipient of Outstanding Senior in Symphonic Band Plaque) Miles Lee holds the Science Award Plaque along with Clara Kochendoerfer with the Eilenn Rohmer Certificate in Science presented by science teacher Tom Huffaker Andrew Brown is presented the Piedmont Certificate in Mathematics by Amy Dunn-Ruiz Andrew Stoddard holds the Excellence in Mathematics Plaque presented by Amy Dunn-Ruiz Janine Sohn presents the Dean Faberman Award to Anna Fehr Laura Bryan holds the League of Women Voters Civics in Action Award presented by Janine Sohn Maeve Gilbert is presented with the Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizens award by Amanda Carlson Jennifer Wuebbens accepts the Eric Swart Rachesky Memorial Certificate presented by Ashley English Laila Adarkar is presented with the Gail Dryden Award by Amanda Carlson Counselor Chris Hartford presents Julia Huffaker and Erin Hong with the Susan Kawaichi Award
Wow! Beach Elementary was heavily represented! Congratulations all!