Proud families gathered in Binks Gymnasium on Wednesday, May 22 to celebrate the athletic accomplishments of this year’s graduating class.
Kia Conn and her son Patrick The Elvekrog family with Senior son Jack Senior Elie Cole Tennis player Angela Huang with coaches Corey Reich and Neil Rothenberg Ashley Gao and Jasmyne Huggins with basketball coach Brian Gardere Jessica Allen-Goix will join the team at Santa Barbara City College Basketball players Jasmyne Huggins and Ashley Gao and parents Softball players Caroline Strauch and Camille Creighton Football players William Kalmbach, Jack Elvekrog and Jeremy Baker Miles Fawcett Lacrosse players Zoe Torok, Lily Keville, and Elie Cole PHS Athletic Director Alphonso Powell addresses the attendees The three baseball players that have signed on to play in college were unable to attend the Athletic Ceremony as they were playing a play off game Ice hockey player Sara Zimmerman Water Polo coach John Savage honors players Henry Saunders and Patrick Conn Alphonso Powell congratulates Margo Donahue on her CA state award Boosters club president Beth Barrett kicks off the Senior Athlete Ceremony A long table of PHS students that will be playing their sport in college Basketball player Ashley Gao and Rower Andrew Stoddard