Persons: Cal Walters, a retired branding consultant, and his wife, Nancy. Cal now teaches math at Richmond High School.
Pet: Daisy
Age: 4 years old
Breed: Terrier mix
Adoption story: Our previous dog had passed away, and we had recently become empty nesters. Our neighbors on both sides of us each had dogs from the Milo Foundation and raved about how great they are. I saw Daisy online so we went to an adoption there and Daisy was brought in. She came over and sat right in my lap and that was that.
Likes: Daisy likes to climbs trees. I’m not kidding.
Dislikes: Climbing down from trees. Also cats, rats and bananas.
Interesting facts: The day we brought Daisy home was the same day our daughter brought her fiancé to meet us. During the toasts at their wedding, Daisy got a mention.
Anything else we should know: Daisy can walk on two legs, which is a very useful skill for reaching up onto kitchen counters.