Cathy Glazier, former Piedmont Middle School teacher and long-time volunteer in the schools and community who stands out for the remarkable depth, breadth, and longevity of her service, will be honored with this year’s Arthur Hecht Volunteer of the Year Award. The award is presented each year to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the community and to Piedmont’s youth through volunteer service over a period of many years. The Board of Education will present the award at its meeting on May 8th.
Art Hecht was well known as a volunteer dedicated to serving students in Piedmont and Oakland. He was a member of Piedmont’s Board of Education from 1970 to 1982, and instrumental in developing Millennium High School, Piedmont’s alternative high school. Established in 1998, the Arthur Hecht Award honors both Hecht’s memory and extraordinary individuals who continue his legacy of service.
PMS yearbook photos from the 1980’s show Glazier relishing her role as teacher.
Glazier has been passionately dedicated to the students and schools of Piedmont for more than 30 years. She was a much-loved art teacher at Piedmont Middle School for ten years, and with three sons who attended Piedmont schools from K-12, she volunteered and served in various roles on parent club boards and committees for fifteen years straight. Her commitment to the “whole child” philosophy motivated her to the building and supporting of the Wellness Center. She was a founding wellness center board member and continued to serve in that capacity for another 5+/- years.
Glazier understood before many others the importance of supporting students’ social and emotional needs. Her advocacy for a Wellness Center was forward-thinking and she used her charm and persistence to garner community-wide support for this important resource. The Wellness Center continues to be an integral support to PUSD students because of her efforts.
Glazier remains actively engaged in Piedmont schools and community by serving on the Piedmont Education Foundation Board and Funding Committee, the Piedmont Beautification Foundation, and the Piedmont Garden Club.
“Cathy continues to be an incredible volunteer and ambassador for the District, staff, and students,” commented Randy Booker, Superintendent. “Over the years she has been a remarkable champion for Piedmont’s values of inclusion, social/emotional health, and academic excellence. I’ve been honored to work alongside of her and have benefited tremendously from her generosity and spirit of service toward all of her students.”
The Board of Education will honor the extraordinary contributions of Ms. Glazier with this award and a gift of student artwork on May 8th in the City Hall Chambers at 7:00 pm at 120 Vista Ave.