Opens Friday, January 11 and runs through Sunday, January 27 at The Piedmont Center for the Arts.
The Exhibit includes 35 artworks, including paintings, watercolors, photographs and prints. These works were selected by two prominent Bay Area curators: Carin Adams, Curator of Art, Oakland Museum of California, and Nancy Lim, Assistant Curator of Painting and Sculpture, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, as part of an annual competition the Center holds. 231 Bay Area artists submitted more than 650 artworks into this competition, another record number for this competition.

Thanks to the courtesy of the John P. Thornborrow Memorial Endowment Fund, total cash awards of $4,000 allocated to juror-designated award winners will be presented during the opening reception on Friday, January 11, 2019. The Exhibit will be on view Saturdays and Sundays from noon – 3:00 pm from January 12 until January 27t.
Artists Presented in this Exhibit:
Rachelle Agundes
Jizell Albright
Susan Aulik
Peter Baczek
Jenna Bao
Mark Bauer
Stacey Beach
Henry Bell
Michelle Boire
Gina Borg
Mariet Braakman
Lynette Cook
Sayako Dairiki
Flora Davis
Deziree Dizon
Malcolm Easton
Keith Ferris
Paul Ford
Marissa Geoffroy
Haley Golden
Annette Goodfriend
Pouke Halpern
Karl Hauser
Culllen Houser
Marilyn Hulbert
Nancy Klehr
Megan Levine
Sara Partch Smith
Sharon Petersen
Sarah Ratchye
Rachel Sager
Josef Twirbutt
Marie Van Elder
Brea Weinreb
Rochelle Youk

The Piedmont Center for the Arts is a non-profit arts organization dedicated to coalescing the arts communities of Piedmont and around the Bay Area.