Who’s that Good Dog | Q&A

Do YOU have a Good Dog you’d like to share with Exedra readers? Please fill out the form, follow the prompts below and tell us about him or her. Don’t forget to send us a photo or two (please include one of your dog with some family members). We look forward to “meeting” him or her. Woof!

Please note: We review all submissions before posting in as timely a manner as possible.

Who's that Good Dog?

  • Name of dog
  • Members of family (parent/s usually listed first)
  • Dog's age
  • How did your (good) dog come to your family?
  • What does your dog especially enjoy?
  • Anything your (good) dog does NOT enjoy?
  • Anything else to share about your dog -- fun, quirky qualities or brief story to relate? What makes him or her unique/loved/special?
  • Please upload as many as 3 photos of your dog, including one with the family members (please caption photos with name IDs)
    Drop files here or
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.