The common Piedmont refrain is that people come for the schools but stay for the city.
In my over 15 years as a Piedmont volunteer, as a commissioner, city council member and as mayor, scores of folk shared with me their impressions of living here: the well maintained parks, the safe and well-lighted sidewalks, and the immediate police and fire response time.
Through the years, I always enjoyed hearing Piedmonters’ praise for city services. But it was all hearsay until my 87 year old father fell and I couldn’t get him up. Before I hung up the phone with the 911 dispatcher, I could hear the fire department sirens coming down Oakland Avenue. For my elderly father, Piedmont’s response time was critical. And it is also almost unheard of in any other Alameda County city.
How is our response time excellent while neighboring jurisdictions struggle? A key to Piedmont’s success is the municipal services tax, which is up for renewal as Measure F.
For 40 years, Piedmonters have set a standard of taxing ourselves so we can enjoy the finest, most professional police, fire, and public works in our region. Piedmonters have – for 40 years – taxed ourselves a modest amount so that when first responders are needed, we know the police and fire departments will be on the scene in a moment’s notice.
Make no mistake, the municipal services tax raises the funds to keep us safe. To put out that kitchen fire, to rescue the victims of a car accident – and to help an elderly gentleman who fell in his living room.
As your former mayor, I can attest that the city of Piedmont runs lean and smart. Let’s continue to invest in our city and in our own safety. Vote YES on Measure F.