Hosted by the Piedmont Recreation Department and sponsored by three elementary schools, the Harvest Festival returns on Sept. 24 with food trucks, live music, a farmers’ market and an edible contest.
Have you been spending some time in your garden?
You can now proudly share and show off your successes. The categories for display are:
- Unusual Veggie
- Unusual Fruit
- Ugly edible
- Tomato/Pumpkin/Squash
- Curds & Butters
- Honey
- Jam & Jelly – Berries
- Jam & Jelly – Other Fruit
- Preserved Edible
- Plain Bread
- Savory Bread
- Sweet Bread
- Mustard/Tapenade
- Apple Pie
- “Other” Pie
- Best Cookie/Bar
- Cake
- Pesto/Sauce
- Dried Fruit/Veggie
- Cucumber Pickles
- Preserved Veggie
- Salsa
- Compost Pile
- Gluten Free
- Create Your Own Category
Is there a link to submit applications for entrance? Thanks!