September 3
The District has reached a significant milestone in the STEAM building construction. Overaa has completed the dirt pad for the STEAM basement foundation, and installed footings and under-slab utilities. These utilities will support the art rooms, among other facilities, and include: specialized systems for eliminating acid waste; clay traps; sanitary sewer lines; and conduit for in-slab power and data lines. Also, last week, Overaa spread gravel and base rock across the area, and prepared to set a vapor barrier to ensure the foundation is water-proof. Starting this week, Overaa will pour the concrete slab on grade for the basement, set hydronic piping for the building’s in-slab heating and cooling system, and then pour a “topping” slab. At the same time that it pours the topping slab, Overaa will install the first structural steel columns. All of this work is right on schedule.