Dress Best for Less receives many donations, some of which don’t quite make the cut for the Piedmont Ave. store, but are of value nevertheless.
On the last Saturday of every month from 10 a.m. – noon at the Marking Room at 799 Magnolia at Vista (unless it’s raining) you can stop by to fill a bag full of clothing, outerwear, toys, books, housewares, and more for only $10 — you never know what treasures you might find.
Seeking high quality donations
Piedmonters are our biggest donors and we are one of the largest donors to Piedmont schools. With more resale and consignment options, DBFL has seen the quality of our donations decrease. Please consider donating your high quality items to DBFL.
Donation appointments make it easier than ever for you to donate — available on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Sign up here: https://bit.ly/DBFL-Donations