Piedmont Park bridge replacement: path closures along Bushy Dell Creek

Collapsed railing in 2023.

Construction is scheduled to begin on Friday, Feb. 14 on a project to replace the pedestrian footbridge over Bushy Dell Creek in lower Piedmont Park. There will be path closures and detours in Piedmont Park for 4-6 weeks while the project is underway.

Please respect detour signage and avoid closed paths when visiting the park.

This project, supported by State of California Proposition 68 grant funds, will replace the existing bridge with a long-term durable bridge in the same alignment, composed of a weathered steel frame with pressure-treated wood decking. The new bridge has been fabricated off-site and will be driven into the park, then craned into place, minimizing disruption to the surrounding environment and the sensitive ecosystem of Bushy Dell Creek. New footings are being constructed in advance of installation, which requires the area around the bridge to be closed for 4-6 weeks for the safety of park visitors.

Three benches near the base of Bushy Dell Creek will be removed temporarily in order to allow truck access and will be re-installed once construction is complete.

The bridge, located in the southwest portion of Piedmont Park near the PUSD softball field, was first identified as in need of replacement in 2015. The bridge is over 30 years old and has required substantial repairs twice in the past five years. Holes in the wood decking have been temporarily patched with plywood, and temporary side rails were constructed in 2023 after the original protective railings collapsed due to rotten wood.

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