Family: Wendi, Elsa, Dylan and Troy
Pet: Anke (pronounced An-ka)
Age: 4.5 years old
Breed: German Shepherd
Adoption story: We adopted her from Germany in July of 2020 when breeders in California were oversubscribed for German Shepherd family dogs.
Likes: Anke loves walks to the dog park and finding fresh grass to roll in. She also looks forward to hikes in the Redwoods and playing soccer and “Keep Away” with the kids. She also loves playing “Find It” with hidden treats, hide and go seek with Troy, and playing with other dogs. She enjoys belly rubs, lots of pets, plush toys and Chews.
Dislikes: Loud noises, delayed walks to the dog park, skunks, trimming her nails, and trips to the vet.
Interesting facts: Anke is trained in half German and half English commands. She loves to play with our cat companion, Caramel, and she loves to learn new skills. She is an extremely loyal dog and waits up at the door for all members who are out.
Anything Else: She is the best family dog and is very easy to train because she learns quickly.