Letter to the Editor | Yes on P to support our excellent teachers

I’m writing in support of Measure P.  Like most in this community, my husband and I settled in Piedmont in large part because of the excellent schools. And of course, it’s the caring and dedicated teachers and staff in conjunction with an engaged parent community which make our schools worth the price of Piedmont real estate. 

The teachers and administrators our daughters have had at Beach, PMS and now one at Millennium have been nothing short of incredible. Ms. Quintella, Ms. Heppner, Mr. Spencer, Ms. Voight, Mr. Saldivar, Ms. Sharp, Ms. Horner, Ms. Lotia, Ms. Wild (beloved Ms. Wild!), Mr. Barlow and Ms. Miguel to name just a few have gone above and beyond to spark a love of learning in our kids that will carry them beyond Piedmont. I’ll always be grateful. 

If we can afford to vote for a $30 million pool, I have to also believe we can afford to vote Yes on Measure P to pay our teachers (Piedmont’s greatest asset) a bit better.  

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