Northern California Renaissance Faire offers one last weekend to eat, drink and be merry

Costumed performers revel at the Northern California Renaissance Faire in a framegrab from video. The celebration of Elizabethan times concludes its 20th season Oct. 23, 2024, at Casa de Fruta in Hollister. (Framegrab via Dirato Kim/YouTube)

Dandies wearing lace ruffs, sword swallowers, jousters and others will be disporting during the last weekend of the 20th Annual Northern California Renaissance Faire in Hollister coming up Oct. 19 and 20.

A promotional poster for the Northern California Renaissance Faire at Casa de Fruta in Hollister, which runs through Oct. 23. (Northern California Renaissance Fair via Bay City News)

The event, a longtime fanciful Bay Area institution, recreates a village during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England. Attendees are encouraged to dress for the theme, but it’s not mandatory. The outdoor event takes place at Casa de Fruta, 10031 Pacheco Pass Highway.

The theme of the final weekend is “Halloween Fantasy,” with an evil spell haunting the village, special trick-or-treating for the kids and a costume contest for children and adults Saturday and Sunday.

Blacksmithing, glass-blowing and archery are also on the program. Food and drink including mead are available, and those not necessarily interested in anachronistic comestibles can find cinnamon buns, pulled pork sandwiches and other, more modern fare.

Tickets must be purchased online and are priced at $35 for general admission. There is a $5 discount for groups of 15 or more. Parking ranges from $10 to $30 per day. For more information, visit the website.

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