PCA hosts annual Artisanal Beer Festival this Friday

Julie Reichle

Beer brewer Kyle Blomset serves Dave Larson and Kimberly Sweeney at the 2022 festival.

In addition to the start of school, the legacy of harvest time brings us all sorts of seasonal festivals. And while the Pilgrims probably didn’t establish fall as the time for beer drinking, the Germans sure did! And this year, like the last eleven (excluding a COVID break) this means the Piedmont Center for the ArtsArtisanal Beer Festival is right around the corner. This year’s event takes place on Friday, Oct. 18 from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at 801 Magnolia Avenue. Tickets for beer tastings are $15; Oktoberfest meal is also $15. Tickets will be sold at the door but advanced ticketing is recommended HERE.

Planning for the event begins earlier in the summer with the organizers’ outreach efforts to recruit craft brewers from Piedmont and the greater Bay Area. As most beers take weeks, if not months to create, beermakers need to begin their creations long before the event date. The number of brewers who have committed to this year’s event exceeds the last two years. And with several brewers planning to present more than one entry, the selection and variety of beers to be tasted should satisfy everyone’s tastes.

Piedmont Police Chief Jeremy Bowers, off duty for the night, serves as a judge for the brewing competition in 2022.

Organizers report that the brewers participating indicate they will present twenty different beers to sample. This year’s brewers consist of many who have participated in years past, along with some experienced brewers who are entering their first festival of this kind.

While the festival is meant to support and enjoy the brewers’ efforts, the awarding of effort will still be a part of this year’s event. This year’s judges represent distinct parts of the Piedmont community. The five judges will be Piedmont Grocery owner Dave Larson, City Councilmembers Conna McCarthy and Jennifer Long, Piedmont Recreation Commissioner Dick Carter and Piedmont City Supervisor Nick Millosevich. In response to brewers’ input, this year’s event will also include a “Peoples’ choice” scoring to parallel the judges’ efforts.

Attendees will also be able to enjoy a traditional Oktoberfest meal of grilled bratwurst, red cabbage, and potato salad on PCA’s front lawn. If past is prologue, this addition turned the lawn into a separate attraction for many patrons after they had made their tasting rounds. Adding to the vibe on the lawn will be a trio of Piedmont High
musicians — Deniz Radzik, Eric Venner and Maximo Miller. With luck, the ambiance of the PCA lawn with music turns the event into a community picnic.

A couple is served traditional german food donated by Piedmont Grocery in 2022.

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