Planning Commission to host Sept. 23 study session on Moraga Canyon Specific Plan

Map of the Moraga Canyon area under consideration for development.

From a City of Piedmont press release sent on Sept. 20:

The Planning Commission will hold a study session to consider draft development regulations, street improvements, site design, and building design standards for future development in Moraga Canyon on Monday, Sept. 23.

These proposals are part of the Moraga Canyon Specific Plan, a detailed plan outlining potential development locations, site improvements, and infrastructure requirements for the construction of up to 199 units of new housing on City-owned land in Moraga Canyon, 60 of which would be affordable to lower income households.

The project team is currently preparing a Draft Specific Plan based on direction received from the City Council in March 2024, and expects to publish the draft for review and comment later this year. This Planning Commission study session will help shape the site and building design standards included in the draft.

Planning Commission Study Session: Moraga Canyon Specific Plan
Monday, September 23, 5:30 p.m. | Piedmont City Hall, 120 Vista Avenue
Agenda | Staff Report
Community members can provide comment in-person or via Zoom. This is a discussion item only – no decisions will be made at the meeting.

Draft Specific Plan expected to be released for public review and comment in late 2024
The Moraga Canyon Specific Plan anticipates development of multifamily residential buildings between four and six stories in Moraga Canyon, and includes two options for where these buildings could be located – either on the north side or the south side of Moraga Avenue. The Specific Plan will also include standards governing development, including height, orientation, access, open space, and parking conditions. The Specific Plan will also call for safety enhancements to Moraga Avenue, including a traffic signal at Red Rock Road.

At Monday’s study session, the Planning Commission will discuss and provide feedback to the project team on the in-progress standards in four preliminary draft chapters of the Specific Plan.

Another study session is tentatively scheduled for the regular Planning Commission meeting on October 14, 2024.

The completed Draft Specific Plan is expected to be released for public review and comment in late 2024. This will be followed by a series of City Council study sessions, anticipated to begin in January or February. The Specific Plan would then return to the Planning Commission for recommendation, then to the City Council for adoption.

Learn more about the Moraga Canyon Specific Plan HERE. Sign up for the Moraga Canyon project email list to stay informed about future meetings and engagement opportunities.

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2 thoughts on “Planning Commission to host Sept. 23 study session on Moraga Canyon Specific Plan

  1. I do not think these developers/designers saw the morning and evening traffic on Moraga road.
    Their study needs to be reviewed again.

    I’m on Zoom, listening, Please repeat and share my comment and concern to the developers in your meeting now.

    Alan E.

  2. I’m a Piedmont resident.
    The Moraga Ave. is a two lane road. Adding 197 unit with at least 197 additional cars to that road will reduce the speed much lower not higher. I think the traffic study needs to be reviewed again.
    It DOES NOT make sense if current speed is 25 mph, how the study finds it safe to drive 40 mph after the development??

    Alan E.

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