PBF celebrates 60 years of supporting beautification projects around town

PBF's inaugural meeting of the 2024-2025 season

Led by President Patty Dunlap, the new Board of the Piedmont Beautification Foundation recently met for the first meeting of its fiscal year. There was much to celebrate, as PBF has been serving the City of Piedmont for 60 years. PBF was formed in 1964 by an energetic group of members of the Piedmont Garden Club. The passage of Proposition 13 and other fiscal difficulties were causing Piedmont leaders to look at cutting funds for maintenance of the parks to assure adequate funding for Police and Fire.

Because the funding was needed to preserve items the City had long paid for, it was thought an organization that partnered with the City would best serve the immediate and long-term needs. What was decided upon was an organization governed by 8 Trustees, 3 appointed  by the City Council and 5 by the Piedmont Garden Club.  Typically, the Mayor, Vice Mayor and Chair of the Park Commission have been the City appointees. The Piedmont Garden Club Trustees have filled the officer positions. Many Advisors have completed the leadership ranks, including representatives from the other garden clubs in Piedmont.

Dozens of projects located throughout the City have been completed over the last 60 years. Among the most memorable are the acquisition and installation of the Tea House near the Community Hall, the complete renovation of the area behind the Exedra, including installation of a fountain, and the acquisition of the Bufano Bears and renovation of Crocker Park. Perhaps most loved is the creation of a Holiday Tree – now part of the Lights Up! Ceremony – to illuminate Piedmont Park and usher in the winter holidays.

PBF has been blessed with outstanding leadership throughout its 60 years. Presidents typically serve for two years.  Remarkably, seven members now serving on its current Board are past presidents. This has provided marvelous continuity and support for the current leadership.

There can be little doubt the new group of PBF leaders were fully justified in raising a glass of Champagne to toast the last 60 years. Watch for the year-end brochure which will highlight possible projects for the future.

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