Design Dilemma | Odd-Shaped Window

Q:  The best room in my house has odd, short windows that are inelegant and dwarf the room. What to do?

A:  Many rooms, or homes for that matter, are ruined by bad windows. Small, low hung windows can make a room appear dark, dreary and for lack of a better word, low end. If you are struggling with this somewhere in your own home, do not despair. Roman shades can both mask the problem and add polish to any space. Flat roman shades can hang at any height, inches or even feet above the top of a window. As long as the bottom of the shade can graze the top of a window, no one will know what actually lies beneath, and one’s eye will naturally go to the top of the window coverings.

Take the attached photo. If you look closely, the window is actually extremely small, but the shades (and in this case the added layer of a curtain) give the illusion of a tall window (and even higher ceiling). 

Furthermore, while window coverings can be a large expense, there are several online retailers that now provide excellent product at an affordable price point!

Have a design Dilemma of your own? We would be happy to help!

Michelle Hofherr

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