Do look up | Raptors at home in local trees

One of the Dracena Park owls

Bird watchers delight: Frequent visitors to Dracena Park may be aware that a male/female pair of owls is nesting in one of the park’s trees. The city says it plans to hold a community contest to name the two as part of its annual Arbor and Earth Day Celebration on April 24. (Naming nominations coming later this month, the city said on Friday.)

Additionally, a pair of bald eagles have set up house in a eucalyptus tree at the edge of Mountain View Cemetery near one of the several reservoirs on the site, adding to what a recent news report suggests is a higher-than-normal number of eagle sightings in the Bay Area. Experts said that they think air quality improvements in the Bay Area coupled with a year of plentiful rain that filled the reservoirs where eagles seek food could be behind the increased sightings. (East Bay Times, March 5, 2025)

Mountain View Cemetery eagle (photo by Derek Heins)

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