Want to help protect ocean life? Monterey Bay sanctuary has volunteer spots open

The largest marine sanctuary in the continental U.S. starts at the ocean’s edge in San Francisco. It’s bigger than Yellowstone National Park. And it could use a little help.

The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary stretches from Marin County to the southern end of Big Sur and has a host of volunteer opportunities, from water quality monitoring to on-the-water kayaking naturalist, according to a press release Friday.

The sanctuary will also be introducing a variety of opportunities at visitor centers, the Sanctuary Exploration Center in Santa Cruz and the Coastal Discovery Center in San Simeon. 

A webinar at 6 p.m. on Feb. 26 will offer in-depth information about the sanctuary’s ecosystem, upcoming training dates, and what each volunteer opportunity has to offer. 

To learn more about the Sanctuary 2025 Volunteer Programs Information Session, visit Monterey Bay’s website.

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