Election officials warn of text message scam asking to confirm voter registration status

Julie Reichle

Voters dropped ballots off by foot and by car in the ballot box on Highland Way in the March 2024 election.

Election officials in Contra Costa County are warning Bay Area residents of a scam involving text messages that ask about voter registration. 

The scam involves a text message that asks the recipient to check their voter registration status with links provided in the message. 

The scam has been reported statewide, according to a Friday press release from the Contra Costa County Clerk-Recorder-Elections Office, which said that it is not contacting voters to confirm voter registration. 

Bay Area residents, and all Californians, can check their voter registration by contacting their county elections office or via county links and phone numbers provided by the California Secretary of State. 

Contra Costa County residents can check their voter registration at www.contracostavote.gov.  

“Remember that your County Elections Office is your trusted source of election information,” Contra Costa County Registrar of Voters Kristin Connelly said.

“We are urging our residents to be vigilant and to reach out directly to the County Elections Office if you have any questions about text messages or emails that ask you to register to vote via a link that is not directed to our website.” 

To register to vote visit https://registertovote.ca.gov/.  

Contra Costa County residents can email questions to Voter.Services@vote.cccounty.us or call the Clerk-Recorder-Elections Office at (925) 335-7800. 

The post Election officials warn of text message scam asking to confirm voter registration status appeared first on Local News Matters.

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